Party time


So today is one of my bestfriends birthday!!!!! Happy birthday B❤️!

A little bit of the party…

So it all started on the 15th of July when I met this amazing girl and I’m still debating if she is real or not cause she really did helped me alot and always made sure a had a smile on my face!

And we hung out all summer and in September she invited me to a party at her summerhome. She had invaded like 13 of her other friends and I was like okey this is gonna turn out bad, but they were all super cool people and we are friends to this day. So we were talking about how cool the party turned out and staff like that and then someone was like we should plan a birthday party for her in January. We were like yeah totally.

And then came New Years. So my friend invited me to spend the New Years with her and her friends and I was like hell yeah. And again we were talking that we should to something for her birthday because she always plans so many cool things and is just a really great friend.

And last week one of her friends texted me and asked so are thre any plans?  So we made literally the best plan ever, but we couldn’t do it cause we couldn’t get a place to have the party, sad I know.

But in the end she made reservations one day before her birthday and that’s what we did.

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Having a toast for the birthday girls honor.

We literally had the most amazing chicken bowl ever. It had chicken wings, shrimp, and potatoes, all covered with a spicy tomato sauce.

For desert she decided that we should all have creme’ brûlée, but the restaurant had only one left so we all decided that she should have it. The rest of us had a warm chocolate cake with homemade ice cream and a little bit of cherries.

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Our dessert at the restaurant.

After dinner we went to her place, checked out the presents. I got her a book ” A work in progress ” by her love Connor Franta and an Estonian version of ” Cards against humanity “. It’s called ” Reality Control 2 “, the first one is +16 and the second is +18, so it’s a little dirtier, but funny as hell.

We ate some more, drunk some more and played the game I got her and also turned the music up and had a little dance party.

If you haven’t noticed, I started a gallery, so I will add pictures there, all the pictures that are in my posts are there and also some others that I didn’t include to the posts, but are still good pictures. So check that out! Bye!






Hello it’s me, and I’m going to talk about walking.

It’s a big part of my life, like many other peoples. We do it no matter what, if it’s from your bed to the bathroom or to get food you’re still walking. Some just do it more and some less, I’m in the more section.

I live in one side of my parish and all of the things you can basically do here are in the other side (Hello from the other siiiiide!😉) of the parish. Only like the school, train station and the school football field is on my side so it pretty much sucks. BUT,……

there is always a but. I get to walk a lot in my day, and it’s actually a good thing.

It’s snowing in Estonia right now, so here’s a picture of my feet in the snow.

Walking is an exercise. Crazy, I know right, but if you think it’s actually pretty cool. If you don’t have a physical hobby and don’t exercise much you can just walk. Literally just go walk, but on your headphones (but be careful with that, keep your eyes open, you don’t want to be run over by a car don’t you?) and listen to some good music or invite a friend with you.

If you have a very busy schedule like wake up,eat, work work, eat, work work, go home, eat, go to sleep, you really don’t have time to exercise and your free time you don’t also want to spend in some gym sweating.  If you’re that person then change the way you get to or leave work.

If you go to work by bus or car change that to walking. I’m not saying that you should walk 30 km or something (you can to it if want) but maybe like 1-5 km. You get some fresh air to clean your mind and your ready for your day or have a better sleep at night.

Also, a big part of walking that I like is what you see. It depends where you live and where you are walking but in my town it’s mostly nature. The other day I was walking to my local youth center and I literally saw the cutest thing ever.

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5 little cute ducks in the pond.

If I had taken the car I wouldn’t have seen this beautiful sight. That’s what I love about walking, not that it is the easiest exercise in the world I think, but you can take your time.

Think about what’s going on around you and think  very deep thoughts about life or you can just not think about anything and just enjoy everything around you. The birds singing, the flow of the water, people talking and laughing. I don’t know if it’s just me, but even the sound of  people walking in snow is so smoothing and beautiful.

So go outside and walk your ass off.







Hello, it’s me, the redhead.

So it’s 5AM and I decided to start a blog. If you don’t realize from that, that I’m not the smartest person.

(Actually I fell asleep and it’s now 3PM, but most of it is written at night, so yeah)

But to give this blog a start here are 5 facts about myself:

1.My hair in naturally golden brown.

2. Dying my hair red was I think one of the best decisions of my life. 3. I like extremsports. I wakeboard and snowboard. So that’s like to facts maybe even 3 if wanna pick on it but f*%@€&.

4. I live in a small town near Tallinn. Tallinn is the capital of Estonia, the country where I live in.

5. I think a lot and make up things and have a lot of ideas but I never have the courage to tell anyone.

Okey I think that’s okey for now.

Okey, I needed something to start the blog with. So I thought that better way to start a blog to talk about food. Yeah that’s right FOOD! And today we are talking about breakfast, the most important part of your day. If you wanna have a good day you need a good start and what better way to start your day with a delicious but healthy breakfast?

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This what I usually have for breakfast.

I make banana pancakes. These take every little time and are easy to make.

The recipe is simple, if you have one banana you add one egg, if you have two bananas you add two add two eggs.

You mash the banana with a fork and add the egg. You mix  it until it’s even. If you wanna spice it up a little bit, you can add cinnamon. Then cook it like it’s a regular pancake, and you have yourself a delicious and a healthy breakfast.

How is it healthy you ask, well eggs are very nutritious and also have a lot of protein in them. Bananas are a very good source of vitamin B6 and a good source of manganese, vitamin C and potassium.

They are also gluten free. If that matters to you,  but I think that’s it for today and see you (pff, not actually see, but you  know what I mean) next time!

